Saturday, June 30, 2007

Shoe shine boy

You're just a shoe shine boy
You work hard all day
Shoe shine boy
Got no time to play
Every nickel helps a lot
So shine, shine, shoe shine boy.

You find joy in the things you do
Shoe shine boy seldom ever blue
You're content with what you've got
So shine, shine, shoe shine boy.

People look at you with scorn
'cos your clothes are worn and torn
Still you never whine
You keep looking up and down the street
Pleading with each one you meet
Brother can you spare a shine.

Oh, Shoe shine boy soon the day will come
Shoe shine boy soon a tune you'll hum
Every nickel helps a lot
So shine, shine, shoe shine boy.

(Orchestral Break)

Shoe shine, shoe shine boy

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I gotta right to sing the blues

I gotta right to sing the blues
I gotta right to feel low-down
I gotta right to hang around
Down around the river

A certain gal in this old town
Keeps draggin' my poor (old) heart around
All I see, for me is - misery

I gotta right to sing the blues
I gotta right to moan and sigh
I gotta right to sit and cry
Down around the river

I know the deep blue sea
Will soon be callin' me
It must be love - say what you choose
I gotta right to sing the blues

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blue skies

Blue skies smiling at me,
Nothing but blue skies do I see.
Bluebirds singin' a song,
Nothing but blue birds all day long.

Never saw the sun shining so bright,
Never saw things going so right.
Noticing the days hurrying by,
When you're in love, my, my, how they fly.
Blue days, all of them gone --
Nothing but blue skies, from now on.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Rockin´ chair

Ol' rock - in' chair's got me, my cane by my side;
Fetch me that gin, son, 'fore I tan your hide.
Can't get from this cabin, go no where
Just sit me here grabbin'
At the flies 'round my rockin' chair.

My dear old Aunt Harriet -- in Hea - ven she be --
Send me sweet chariot, for the end of that trouble I see.
Ol' rock - in' chair gets it; judgment day is here,
Chained to my old rock - in' chair.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


First you say you do and then you don't,
And then you say you will and then you won't,
You're undecided now, so what are you gonna do?
Now you want to play, and then it's no,
And when you say you'll stay, that's when you go,
You're undecided now, so what are you gonna do?
I've been sittin' on a fence,
And it doesn't make much sense, '
Cause you keep me in suspense
And you know it!
Then you promise to return;
When you don't I really burn,
Well, I guess I'll never learn,
And I show it!
If you got a heart, and if you're kind,
Then don't keep us apart, make up your mind,
You're undecided now, so what are you gonna do?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A tisket, a tasket

A tisket, a tasket,
Brown and yellow basket,
Sent a letter to my baby,
On the way I dropped it.
I dropped it, I dropped it, yes, on the way I dropped it,
Pretty girlie picked it up,
And put it in her pocket.
She was truckin' on down the avenue,
Without a single thing to do,
Kept on truckin' all around,
When she spied it all around,
Ah, she took it, she took it!
The little yellow basket,
And if she doesn't bring it back,
I think that I shall die.
Get it for me, son.
Get out there and find my basket.
Yeah. Ha ha! That's what I'm talking about.
All right, here's my basket.
You get a basket,
Everybody get a basket! Yeah!
Well, all right, then!
She was truckin' down the avenue,
Without a single thing to do,
Kept on truckin' all around,
When she spied it on the ground!
She took it, took it,
The little yellow basket,
And if she doesn't bring it back,
I think that I shall die.
Was it red?
No, no!
Was it green?
No, no!
Was it blue?
No, no!
No, just a little yellow basket!
Yeah! Get that basket fixed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Is there anyone finer
In the state of Carolina?
If there is and you know her,
Show her!
With her Dixie eyes blazin',
How I love to sit and gaze in
To the eyes of Dinah Lee!
Yet, every night,
My, how I shake with fright,
Because my Dinah might,
Change her mind about me!
But if Dinah,
Ever wandered to China,
I would hop an ocean liner,
Just to be with Dinah Lee!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


jsem už denní dávku koktejlu před obědem. A nikdy mi ani nenapadlo, že bych se snad neměl napít. Vždyť jsem si to zaplatil. I tisíc koktejlů denně jsem si mohl zaplatit, kdybych chtěl. A co to bylo na mne – jeden jediný koktejl, na mne, který jsem při tolika různých příležitostech píval nesmírná množství ostřejších nápojů, a přece mi to neuškodilo?
Na ranči jsem měl takovýto denní program: každé ráno o půl deváté, když jsem v posteli dočetl korekturu, kterou jsem čítával už od čtvrtě nebo páté, jsem usedl k psacímu stolu. Se zbytky korespondence a s různými poznámkami jsem se bavil až do devíti a přesně v devět jsem začal psát. V jedenáct, někdy dříve, někdy později, jsem dokončil svých tisíc slov. Pak jsem ještě asi půl hodiny dělal pořádek na svém pracovním stole a má denní práce končila, takže o půl dvanácté jsem si už lehl do sítě pod stromy, listoval v ranní poště a četl noviny. V půl jedné jsem se naobědval a odpoledne jsem si šel zaplavat nebo si vyjel na koni.
Jednou dopoledne o půl dvanácté, než jsem si lehl do sítě, jsem si vypil koktejl. Druhý den se to opakovalo, a ovšem přibral jsem si ještě jeden o půl jedné, před obědem. Brzy jsem zpozoroval, když jsem seděl za stolem právě nad polovinou své tisícovky slov, že se už těším na koktejl o půl dvanácté.

Monday, June 04, 2007

I´m confessin´

I’m Confessin’ that I love you,
Tell me, do you love me too?
I’m Confessin’ that I need you,
Honest I do, need you every moment.
In your eyes I read such strange things,
But your lips deny they’re true,
Will your answer really change things
Making me blue?
I’m afraid some day you’ll leave me,
Saying “can’t we still be friends”
If you go, you know you’ll grieve me,
All in life on you depends.
Am I guessin’ that you love me,
Dreaming dreams of you in vain,
I’m Confessin’ that I love you, over again.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Moonlight Serenade

I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight.
I stand and I wait for the touch of your hand in the June night.
The roses are sighing a Moonlight Serenade.

The stars are aglow and tonight how their light sets me dreaming.
My love, do you know that your eyes are like stars brightly beaming?
I bring you and sing you a Moonlight Serenade.

Let us stray till break of day
in love's valley of dreams.
Just you and I, a summer sky,
a heavenly breeze kissing the trees.

So don't let me wait, come to me tenderly in the June night.
I stand at your gate and I sing you a song in the moonlight,
a love song, my darling, a Moonlight Serenade.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Christopher Columbus

Mister Christopher columbus
Sailed the sea without a compass
When his men began a rumpus
Up spoke, Christopher Columbus

There is land somewhere
Until we get there,
We will not go wrong,
If we sing, "swing a song"

Since the world is round,
We'll be safe and sound
Til our goal is found,
We'll just keep rhythm bound

Soon the crew was makin merry
Then came a yell, "Let's drink to Isabelle,
Hum, bring the rum, Ho Hum"

No more mutiny,
What a time at sea
With di-plo-ma-cy
Christy made his-to-ry

Mister Christopher Columbus
He used rhythm as a compass
Music ended all the rumpus
Wise old Christopher Columbus