Thursday, March 27, 2008


VZNIK OPERY: opera je novým hudebním žánrem, který vznikl v epoše baroka a který se stal jedním z nejdůležitějších žánrů nejen této epochy, nýbrž i epoch následujících (platí v podstatě do současnosti). Opera vznikla pokusem skupiny umělců a intelektuálů, kteří se scházeli ve Florencii v paláci hraběte Bardiho (později též v paláci hraběte Corsiho) ke společným diskusím o tom, jak vypadala antická tragédie (o níž se vědělo, že byla ”nějak” zpívána, avšak hudba se nedochovala) a jak tuto tragédii opět vzkřísit k životu. Tato skupina se nazývá florentská Camerata.
Diskuse o tom, jak asi bylo dramatické slovo zhudebňováno, vedly současně i k prvním praktickým tvůrčím činům. Tak vznikly první hudebně dramatické výstupy – předkové budoucí opery. Mezi členy Cameraty byli jak skladatelé, tak i zpěváci, libretisté a hudební i divadelní teoretikové. Ze skladatelů jsou nejvýznamnější Jacopo PERI (1561-1633), Giulio CACCINI (cca 1550-1618), Emilio de CAVALIERI (cca1545 – 1602), slavným libretistou Cameraty byl Ottavio RINUCCINI (1563-1621). U zrodu Cameraty stál též teoretik a skladatel Vincenzo GALILEI (který z nich byl nejstarší, cca 1520 – 1591), který se skladatelsky ovšem rané opeře nevěnoval. Byl to otec slavného fyzika a astronoma Galilea Galileiho. V roce 1581 vyšel jeho spis ”Dialogo della musica antica at della moderna”, v němž Galilei popisuje a propaguje nový dramaticko – výrazový sloh založený na doprovázené monodii proti starému slohu polyfonnímu.


Monday, March 17, 2008


I was not prepared to die
Still dead but feels alive
I lost my self
But now I feel
That I am dead
I feel so weak
Left in shadows
My life has passed
Oh please, let me fade (away)...


Dark age war
Vells of death
Tyrants of the damned
No meaning we saw
Believers of war
They had thirsts of gore
A third reich
Built by bricks of hate
Soon to fall
Just like their fates
Distortions of their minds
Sick believes
To raise the arian race
Thoughts of hate
A nazi mode of thoughts
The scums are dead
And we don't see their reich
No meaning we saw
With this big war
A power of hate
That mankind creates

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Your life is a fading to death
When are open you'll pass
You are alone outside your shell
The astral landscapes await
A discovery of the secrets of life
You'll reach through the skies
Your eyes can see the world in beyond
The world of the demised


A mystery very old
Is the curiosity of mankind
And endless searching for the bricks of life
But only death is the one who can tell
I seek beyond death
In the light of the astral skies
My third eye can see
The reason why I'll gage my life


What is life ?
When you die you'll see dawn of relize
When you fall you will rise
Your concious is eternal
No need of the flash
Feel the spirits around
Enter the unknown
Days have served you well
But now you've left your shell
You've killed the resistance (of the body)
Now you'll master your powers
There is an end of your life
But not of your soul
To your concious enslaved
There is more than one way
Not only two paths
Why don't you chose your own way ?
We'll rise to be eternal
Rise up, raise your powers
The skies endless eternal
Enter depths of darkness


Passing through a life in eternal misery
You are denying
Why you can't see, this life is - your enemy
See your soul free through eternity
Now is the question, is this a lie
Never stop asking for reasons why
Why can't you see, this life is your enemy
Set your soul free through eternity
The will is the key
To fight your destiny
Your soul should be free
Through eternity
The sanity can open your mind
Your soul would rise to never ever more to fall


You deny what you can't see. It makes you blind
You don't believe things can't exist; beyond life
No truth can be found by continue your life this way beyond life immortal soul
You'll rise
Things in life, of the old Forgotten now, it's passed
Through all dimensions and ages. You'll be master of your soul
You are the lord of your own mind and will
No enslaver will control your fate

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beyond Sanctorum

1. Future Consciousness
2. Pandemonic Outbreak
3. Cthulhu
4. Symphony Of The Dead
5. Beyond Sanctorum
6. Enter The Depths Of Eternal Darkness
7. Illusion Of Life
8. The Way
9. Paths
10. Tyrants Of The Damned


Chaos within Laughter of universe
Why is it a sin
To have the will to break out ?
Haunted by their Master
Their Holy God their king of kings (he rules the world)
He says outbreaks are evil (Universe)
To be chained into this lake of fire (Lake of fire)
No sanity exists (Get the ice broken)
Open eyes and truths forbidden (Will raise your mind)
All humans should obey (Time who have decayed)
Heaven's gates will fetter up their souls (Now I will gain it back)
Breaking through the circle
The circle of god
Discover your own will
And break out
Rise to get high
Weakness to deny
Why submit
Be weak and crawl ?
Chaotic skies
Too unordered to fall
Lord of beyond
Lead me through the astral skies
